Food and drinks
Where stories meet
A new chapter will be written, stories will be shared and the foundation for a new day shall be laid. Our breakfast is served in the lower level of our house and offers local ingredients which is reflected in the many house- made dishes. We will do our best to cater to all needs and preferences and if you have any special request please ask one of our team members. Breakfast is always included for guests staying at Saga Hotel. Guests staying at the Apartments can purchase breakfast as an add- on for NOK 195 per guest.
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday 07.00 – 10.00
Saturday and Sunday 08.00 – 11.00
Lobby bar
The bar is located in our newly renovated lobby. We have created this space to enjoy a good book, play a game of chess, or just enjoy a good conversation. Stop by for a cocktail, coffee or soda as a guest of Saga or one of our lovely neighbors.
Opening hours:
All days 12.00 – 23.00